Copy of Education


At BLAC, we understand how powerful education is.  An educated voter is a force to be reckoned, able to slice through the smog of political wordsmithing to expose the truth (or lies) within.  But unfortunately, the same holds true for an uneducated voter, who does not control but is controlled by the politicians who seek to use them for their own ends. 

Our experience has shown us that too many voters are too unfamiliar with their elected officials, the issues at stake, and as a result unconsciously contribute to the denigration of our democracy.  This is unacceptable, and to do our part we have, and will continue to, compile educational resources for the benefit of the people and our democracy. 

Without it, the elites can manipulate and control us into making unconcious and unconscionable decisions that erode our institutions; with it, we can change the fabric of our country to fit it so much better.

Know Your Government!

What's something that everyone knows, but nobody understands?

Before you make a change, you need to know how to make it. As such, BLAC believes you need to Know Your Government - understanding not just who is in office, but what it is that they do (as well as what they cannot!). We have helpfully broken down the major roles and responsibilities of the elected offices that New Yorkers need to keep an eye on, because these are the offices that mean the most to everyday life. You might just notice, come next election, that some of the people asking for your vote know less about the job they want then you do!

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